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To OTM with love (or is it?)

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 2:06 am
by Nameless Shadow
Dear OTM, here I am writing this letter in a could we say "passive agressive" manor? Eh idc i don't like labels :lol: yeah but anyways, there is so much we,as loyal slaves to this game, are struggling with. We understand you own our souls and whatever but come on, don't make this hell. So first, battle mounts...ya know?! Ya know?!?! Like cool right? Haha WRONG! They WERE cool but now I've died way too many times because of the glitches and man that is like 10k in idols...not much but every bit counts when you save up for super badass ammy of the year. I digress. Also...mail. Oh man is it fun or what!? Haha jokes! Legit every time mail is sent I crash. That's 30 seconds I can't play the game!! That's not good!! :shock: oh yeah and don't even get me started on the various list of bugs that would cost me my entire lifetime to list :cry: but yeah anyways on a positive note I like the new fashion, except the guys faewynd about nut cracker :P literally. Eh could be worse. Also, A+ on lirs reach. It's confusing as HELL but it's very nice ;)