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OTM ban policies

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 1:12 pm
by CletusRebirth
Hello my fellow heroes i would like to discuss the otm ban policy because they are banning people with no time limit for really stupid reasons (not scamming or hacking)
simple stuff like posting on forums etc i was banned for buing runescape gold(weich i never have bought using game cash i only posted on forums im looking)
im banned 2 years now with no time limit and gotten no warning at all before i was banned. it has been two years now ive applied and recived a no. i can respect it but dont u think i have paid enough time for posting on forums like cmoon?
OTM should change their policies and stop perm banning people atleast give a time like few months not years!.

Re: OTM ban policies

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 3:31 pm
by Kril
Hello my fellow heroes i would like to discuss the otm ban policy because they are banning people with no time limit for really stupid reasons (not scamming or hacking)
simple stuff like posting on forums etc ...

It's at times like these that I offer a person a banned-aid. :lol:

Sorry, couldn't resist. But listen, peeps don't get banned for just posting on forums. ;)
You should just take this up directly with OTM. PM Muldar, and he will listen and try to help.

Re: OTM ban policies

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 6:22 pm
by P1R4HN4
Hello my fellow heroes i would like to discuss the otm ban policy because they are banning people with no time limit for really stupid reasons (not scamming or hacking)
simple stuff like posting on forums etc ...

It's at times like these that I offer a person a banned-aid. :lol:

Sorry, couldn't resist. But listen, peeps don't get banned for just posting on forums. ;)
You should just take this up directly with OTM. PM Muldar, and he will listen and try to help.
Not true... there's an old player [self-redacted] that got banned for posting a video of him drawing an imitation of [self-redacted] then doing all sorts of things like driving over it with a car and microwaving it. Was ruled as harassment. Forum, game, and ip ban all placed from a forum post linking to his YouTube video. Pm me for full story it was funny though