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Has anybody tried an Entangle build instead of maxing Bolas? It sounds like its a good alternative if you have enough HP to tank a little while so you won't have to keep running around silly; and it appears like it's an awesome group skill to have to take down bosses. The other plus I could think of is fighting against casters where Bolas is simply pointless.

Re: Entangle

I like entangle, seems like it has potential but i dont think its cooldown time is right yet, at 30/30 its like a 1 minute cooldown and gets avoided quite alot, it helps alot for training but if your on a elixer you only get to cast it 15 times when your gonna be killing about 30+ monsters in that time. But if it is used in combination with howling wind the tank is dancing, so yeah i think cooldown time needs to be 10-20 seconds shorter as it is the alternative to bolas.

The cast time is fine i think thats perfect, cause even in pvp it balances it for other classes as it gives them a 3-7 second window to do some damage so at the moment it only seems like a PvP skill and pretty much useless at the moment for levelling. So please shorten the cast time :)

Re: Entangle

Actually i tested it in PvP bull**** skill, gets interupted cause of long cast time, too long of a cool down, if you like wasting energy dump your points in it.

Re: Entangle

I don't want to derail this thread, but my question and comments seem more appropriate for this thread than any others, and don't warrant their own post. To answer the original poster's question, judging from my conversations with rangers on Lugh, Entangle seems like it would be a very specialized build in the same way that Teaweasel has mentioned that he has a ridiculously high Ward of Giants spell.

And now that I've thrown you that bone, here are my questions: Is Entangle supposed to reduce mob attack speed by half? If so, does it now work like this?

I believe there was a discussion of these questions shortly after the update. I remember reading a forum thread where I think admin said that the actual behaviour was more along the lines of reducing mob damage by half while maintaining attack speed. But that was a Neal Stephenson novel length of forum posts ago so my memory is a bit hazy on the details.

In some cases, reduced damage is significantly less useful than reduced attack speed. Why? Because of interrupts. This isn't a big an issue for most people. But as a high dps druid who often trains with a ranger, I get aggro quite often, simply from the combo of vines, lightning and storm touch. I often end up tanking for parts of the fight, even when I cast calm on myself. Reducing the attack speed of the mob would make it a lot easier for me to cast my spells (I'm looking at you, Natures Touch) without interruptions.

For example, say a mob has attack speed of 2000 and damage of 100. An Entangled mob should have 4000 attack speed and damage of 100. It's a completely different fight if the mob instead has 2000 attack and 50 damage. Of course, if the skill is now working as advertised, I'll have to convince my training partner to put some precious points into it.

As a further aside, you can use attack speed to your advantage by having someone in your group with high hand-to-hand ability go HTH on the Chained King. The fight goes way faster, even though the HTH player is doing minimal damage. Add Entangle to the mix and you might be able to do the fight with one less druid.
Lugh | Lightface: Druid 141 | Kaonashi: Druid 141 | FacepaIm: Rogue 141
The B Team: Noface: Warrior 130 | Tsundere: Mage 130 | Smileyface: Druid 130
Retired from CH since 2013

Re: Entangle

Entangle reduces attack speed by 50%, you mentioned a specific build, i tryed builds with skills and everything its just a waste of energy, because it gets avoided alot then you have to wait a minute to cast again about 3/4 of the entangles i have thrown have been avoided, say that happens on a boss it costs me 135 energy to throw and i throw 20, im only slowing it down for a total of 2 and 1/2 minutes as appose to the 20 minutes im waiting to cast, also making me waste 2025 which i could be using to cast rapid shot instead.

Re: Entangle

Sad to hear a skill with actually good potential not executed right. :(

I'm a lil tires of casting bolas on everything. But then I didn't want to reroll my stats and go with a dex build to try to suck up the damage and heal myself. Seems like the ranger class could use some love

Re: Entangle


In some cases, reduced damage is significantly less useful than reduced attack speed. Why? Because of interrupts. This isn't a big an issue for most people. But as a high dps druid who often trains with a ranger, I get aggro quite often, simply from the combo of vines, lightning and storm touch. I often end up tanking for parts of the fight, even when I cast calm on myself. Reducing the attack speed of the mob would make it a lot easier for me to cast my spells (I'm looking at you, Natures Touch) druid.

Umm why doesn't your training partner have bolas on mob? That ranger must be much lower level than you if you pull agro off him. I know Druid can do very good dps but any decent ranger can keep an xp mob off the Druid .

And entangle is a waste of points IMO, it should be rated the way smokebomb is , so it isn't needed to dump 29 points into it for it to be of any use.
Clan Avalon


Re: Entangle

Eliminater, up until yesterday, my training parter has been higher level than me. We've worked up from being 103/106 before the double xp weekend to 111/117 at the end. I don't use elix and he rarely does. Because I grind a lot more, now I'm 129 and he's 128.

My druid is built for intense dps. My ranger partner plays his class well, and usually does have bolas on the mob. Sometimes it gets evaded, sometimes due to lag I end up casting my vines before bolas takes effect. We usually start with bolas/vines, and he does his sharp/rapid while I do lightning and storm. But on same-level mobs I can do as much as 350 vines, 600 lightning and 1200 storm. This isn't a problem on same-level one and two star mobs which don't survive long enough to get in a second round of skill hits. But on anything stronger, my initial volley causes the mob to retarget me until the ranger gets a few more auto attacks hits in. And if I forget to turn off auto attack, I hit the mob with my stick a couple of times for 130-180 damage each time before casting heal on the ranger. And by then I have aggro and my heal gets interrupted. Which turns out to be a good thing, because then I have to heal myself or cast calm so aggro goes back to the ranger. In these cases I have a pretty good chance of getting the kill, too.

I also pull aggro on bosses from my dps spells, even when the tank has excellent taunt/warcry. Say what you want about unbalanced boss groups, but if I forget that I'm just supposed to heal, and unload my full dps it usually costs me an idol. We just learn to laugh about it. I've also managed to ks higher level rogues on adds when helping out of group on boss fights.

In any case, the example you quoted wasn't really a complaint. It was an attempt to demonstrate that there are cases where reduced dps is not the same as reduced attack speed, and that this can have a significant effect on the outcome of a fight.
Lugh | Lightface: Druid 141 | Kaonashi: Druid 141 | FacepaIm: Rogue 141
The B Team: Noface: Warrior 130 | Tsundere: Mage 130 | Smileyface: Druid 130
Retired from CH since 2013

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