I LOVE THIS POST! lol , someone else smells what the rock is cookin! I just hit lvl 63 and feel like a powerhouse with my spear ranger. I occaisionally get the hater wispering me saying something along the lines of " hey noob, go get yourself a bow", well I'll see what level of mob they are killing and then In front of them I'll kill one thats two or three levels higher and wisp them back "hey noob, go get yourself a spear", lol (at least I think that is funny). Its definitely a specialized build, everything you do has to rotate on the fact that you use a spear, but it works. We are not range fighters, but melee fighters, its a different mind set. Its a different skill set, and a different set of gear....but we are still rangers. I believe we are the reason that entangle and spikes came out, because they really work well with spear rangers. I'm really glad that someone else has given it a try and loves it as much as I do. Gratz bro
Heck ya! Ya they are legit. I honestly believe they have more potential than bow rangers, the same way h2h mages have more potential than traditional ones. Gotta find that diamond in the rough

Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?
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