Celtic Heroes

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Re: New ranger specific skills *** spoiler ***

There are a Few new ranger skills and I figure I would give you guys a sneak peak at them although as with the rest ofthe information from beta this is still subject to change .

Sharpen weapons - a new group buff that adds pierce damage to all group members in range

Long shot - a new bow weapon skill that can only be used from a distance , when it hits the mob is rooted and it does damage .

Explosive arrow - another bow skill fires an explosive arrow that hits all enemies within it's range , aoe skill .
Very nice, now a question with the long shot, if it does dmg, does that guarantee the mob is rooted as well?? Or can it do damage, and the mob is still running ridiculously fast at us because the rooting part missed?
"You follow Rafiki, he knows the way"

Agentyamski - Lvl 128+
Rafiki - Lvl 95+
Coldbreth - Lvl 95+
http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... 10&t=30536

Re: New ranger specific skills *** spoiler ***

I'd feel like rooting *long shot* would be like barbed shot, if it misses it misses and doesnt add the dot - and like bolas, an avoid is an avoid. Haven't seen it though, could be wrong, just my speculation. Would be fairly overpowered otherwise unless it had a long cooldown.
World: Epona

Alyssandra Ranger Lvl 221
Atropos Druid Lvl 225
Nyssa Rogue Lvl 215
Briar Rose Mage Lvl 215

Lasciel Rogue Lvl 217
Owl Ranger Lvl 190
Lenore Druid Lvl 191

I could agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

Re: New ranger specific skills *** spoiler ***

Can steady aim and sharpen weapons be used together? That would be some nice dps buffing.

I'd feel like rooting *long shot* would be like barbed shot, if it misses it misses and doesnt add the dot - and like bolas, an avoid is an avoid. Haven't seen it though, could be wrong, just my speculation. Would be fairly overpowered otherwise unless it had a long cooldown.
It's not dot , sorry if my wording was confusing , it's like sharpshot in that if it misses it's no damage
Which is yout favorite new skill elim(Including tweaks to the old ones)?
Longshot has the most potential but sharpen is decent as well (I enjoy support skills)
Clan Avalon


Re: New ranger specific skills *** spoiler ***

Thanks for the info Elim!

I have a question that I hope OTM will allow you to answer. Is the duration of Sharpen Weapons the same as the duration of Steady Aim?

If this is too specific and risks violating your NDA, I understand if you can't answer.

Clan: Ancients
RogerRanger 223
RogerDruid 160+
RogerRogue 160+
RogerWarrior 150+
RogerMage 110+

“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”
― Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Re: New ranger specific skills *** spoiler ***

Fair enough. I am glad you and the other testers pointed out the importance of cast time, duration and cool down to overall DPS. After an initial volley, I currently rely on auto attack more than I would like. I am looking forward to re-evaluating the old skills and testing the new ones once the update is released. Thank you for representing rangers during beta.

Clan: Ancients
RogerRanger 223
RogerDruid 160+
RogerRogue 160+
RogerWarrior 150+
RogerMage 110+

“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”
― Daniel Patrick Moynihan

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