Not sure if in beta it added +500 dex when the skill was casted, but if that was the buff I would still say it’s mediocre. In reality the dps would still be the same. The only real buff the new quiv skills provide is the +500 dex. 1600 divine for 15 secs is essentially the same as 800 for 30 secs. Except with 30 secs I can get another longshot/doubleshot in, and it gives more chances to crit. If the time for new quiv was increased to 20-25 secs it would be better by far, but right now I consider it mediocre and not that much of a dps boost. That’s just me tho idk if others view it differently.
In beta it was 1200 dmg, 100 dex, 15s. Now 1600 dmg, 500 dex, 15s. On paper t8 quiver better than edl but if you don’t have double shot cooldown it’s not very good vs edl, 15s is enough for 1 dbl/long with no cooldown only. With 30% can barely fit in a 2nd. I think it needs a buff, I would’ve preferred 1000 divine for 30s to keep with the 200 dmg increase from dl-edl
Nee, Proud CHIEFTAIN of the beloved Aeon KodiakReavers of Belenus,
229 Druid