Hehheheh. Yeah I totally agree, but sadly, OTM usually doesn't pay much attention to the rangers and ranger section....No its not, it means your still 100% sane. Yes until they fix this skill you will be better off. Sharp shot/Sharpen for dex build, Dble shot to 10 lvls above your own if ur str.Is it crazy that I am considering dropping longshot? I cast the skill and can't move or fire another arrow when the mob is pinned...plus can only use the skill once in a fight. Would I be better off maxing sharp and double instead?
THATS WHAT IM SAYIN AND I BEEN SAYIN WHAT IM SAYIN FOR ALMOST A WHOLE YEAR! ... Anyway OTM should just look at the description.Max sharpen or double...
That's another problem.. OTM should remove the distance req on longshot. I don't care if it's called "long"shot, but it's our best dmg skill and it shouldn't have a distance requirement on it.
It says it is a skill "WITH THE ABILITY TO" hit something at a long distance.
This does NOT mean we should only be able to hit things far away... And yes OTM is our best dmg skill WHICH WE CANT USE BUT MOREN ONCE!!!!!! If you require a trade-off of 'power' just remove the pin function frankly IDC. Just don't reduce the dmg or no one will even use the skill anymore. ABOLISH the range requirement. If needed I will be more than happy to make a petition AND posting a link on my sig AND stating to abolish it also on my sig and as I post on a lot of forums in this forum itd be seen ALOT and im sure more than one person would be happy to add that portion of my sig to their sig.
You should make a petition. I'll vouch for it