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Re: Teaweasel's Ranger Primer for Update 3: long, grab pillo


Thanks again for further insight. This means I am going to be extremely squishy. hehe :lol:. Anotner couple of questions for you.

I was told that winterking items will give off a "glow" is this true?

And do you recommend wasting 120 stat points on strength to wield the King bow?

I want to definitely get 270+ dex to maximixe the effectiveness of ranger skills.

With king bow strength these would be my stats at level 100

125 Str
270-300 Dex
60 Focus
25-55 Vit depending on dex...

what do you think?

Re: Teaweasel's Ranger Primer for Update 3: long, grab pillo

wow, thank you for the guide. it gets me thinking. my current stats are

str 159, dex 87, foc 74, vit 140

i am thinking to swap my str and dex based on what i see here, and maybe even lower vitality. I am glad we are getting one book of alt and rebirth, but i almost feel like i will need 2 or three to find the right mix.

when i was originally leveling, i could adjust my stats as i went (if i always ran out of energy, i would put more into focus for example) - so the character evolved. Much harder to do that when you have to make decisions and only get one shot. clearly i will play with my current stats for a bit to see how they work and what adjustments need to be made. But still, sounds very exciting to be able to have my dex have more impact.

Thanks again for the great insights
Civility, Integrity, and the Hermeneutic of Generosity

World: Lugh
Akbar: Ranger 220+
DrXyn-Druid 180+
Xyn: Mage 170+
Rabka: Rogue 150+
Rabak: Warrior 90+
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