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Spear support ranger!
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:43 pm
by mdimarco
currently lvl 52. #25 largest melee hit for ranger on my server (500 ish)
strength 145
dex 85
focus 10
vitality 35
rapid shot: 19/17
Light heal: 17/17
entangle: 15/15
waiting to get defensive spikes
Right now I can kill lvl 56 4 star shieldmaster captains
I basically can just clear the whole shale river solo in one go
ancient lance
golden blade of fire
tanned highroad helm and chest
junk pants
heroic gloves/boots
golden rejuv ammy
4 pience/4 slash bracelets
Re: Spear support ranger!
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:58 pm
by Mariner91
Re: Spear support ranger!
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:03 pm
by mdimarco
Ya I saw that but...for this to be usefull you really need to specialize in spear and pick support skills that go well with it like entangle and defensive spikes.
Re: Spear support ranger!
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:04 pm
by mdimarco
i feel like I'm just too good at this game...someone slap me

Re: Spear support ranger!
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:12 pm
by Mariner91
i feel like I'm just too good at this game...someone slap me

Or bored

Also, unless you're planning on going "support" Later, why is your Str higher than your Dex? Most of your support skills are Dex based. Also, IMO, you should max both spear and bow. Some fights won't need the kind of support a ranger can give, but all fights will want more DPS.
Re: Spear support ranger!
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:19 pm
by mdimarco
well its a dps support hybrid, a lot like my melee support mage.
only one dps skill to max.
rest into support skills.
then a split between str and dex, balanced how i see fit to be the most effective at my given level i guess.
eventually i'll get a trident of the void and golden poison dagger.
Any this should out dps a bow since I only have rapid shot, and the spear damages are much better than bow and melee offhands add much more damage than quivers.
Re: Spear support ranger!
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:46 pm
by Stinky
I LOVE THIS POST! lol , someone else smells what the rock is cookin! I just hit lvl 63 and feel like a powerhouse with my spear ranger. I occaisionally get the hater wispering me saying something along the lines of " hey noob, go get yourself a bow", well I'll see what level of mob they are killing and then In front of them I'll kill one thats two or three levels higher and wisp them back "hey noob, go get yourself a spear", lol (at least I think that is funny). Its definitely a specialized build, everything you do has to rotate on the fact that you use a spear, but it works. We are not range fighters, but melee fighters, its a different mind set. Its a different skill set, and a different set of gear....but we are still rangers. I believe we are the reason that entangle and spikes came out, because they really work well with spear rangers. I'm really glad that someone else has given it a try and loves it as much as I do. Gratz bro
Re: Spear support ranger!
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:44 pm
by Mariner91
If OTM ever (IMO) Fixes the stats and how they work with specific classes, and make the class itself more Dex based (i.e. our dmg coming from Dex, and not Str like everyone else, including Mages... ), I won't mind trying this build as well, tho I'd probably go for a more... Tank/Support role, like with Shield instead of an offhand.
Re: Spear support ranger!
Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 10:25 pm
by Eliminater
There is no point to spear once you reach level 60 and can buy knucks.
Re: Spear support ranger!
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 5:05 am
by mdimarco
There is no point to spear once you reach level 60 and can buy knucks.
2 reasons:
1. rapid
2. shot