most of these points are very true. rangers are so broken it's not even funny
- my bow continues to fly away after i use certain skills
- ranger main attack skills sharp shot and barbed shot somehow uses DEX, while all other classes main attack skills in this game use the class main stat such as STR and FOCUS. Even Rogue's quick strike, sneak attack, and rend all uses STR that adds to auto attack, and ranger supposedly the same cloth attack class uses DEX, the noob stat, forcing us to have gimped skills comparing to all other classes.
- i really don't understand this but why does higher skill level in Rapid Shot somehow also extends the countdown as well? Then what's the point raising the skill? I could shoot 4-5 times with level 1 and wait time is super short, while I can max it and after the last shot I gotta wait like 10+ seconds? Something is seriously wrong with the logic here
- we have far too many skills that is only usable when maxed: conceal, camo, bolas, entangle - these types of skill setup basically discourages diversity in builds, please revise the format to give them maybe shorter duration at lower level instead of effective on mob level.
- we are the only other class who has heals - but unfortunately, it's based on the gimped stat - dex. even maxed at 25 with a usable str build i'm healing 365 only, which is barely useful at all.
- ok we have heals, but do we really also need bandage wounds and recuperate? and speaking about redundancy - what's up with camo + conceal? We already have the least useful skills in all classes, and somehow we also incidentally have the most redundant useless skills.
- entangle cool down is simply ridiculous making it one of the least used skill among all classes, and yet another skill that's mob level based?
- as stated above, the damage with defensive spikes is a joke
- arrows, arrows, arrows - who uses arrows again? arrows are expensive, and don't drop often enough, and they're gone before you know it. Revise the arrows - make them batches of arrows. 1 batch = 50 shot and it would make a lot more sense and it would actually become useful
- why does damage shield affect ranged attack? so... that fire cloak damage gets onto my arrow and magically teleports back onto me to hurt me? come on... ranged attack are ranged attack for a reason, what's the point when ranged attack share the same penalty against damage shield even when we're standing far away?
- when we walk outside of the mob's range, please revise the mechanics and don't make us lose our target. give us an indication that we're out of range instead of losing the target it's extremely annoying when we kite things around with bolas and cannot retarget because its outside of attack range and we somehow have to walk back in manually and target again and hit attack. it's extremely simple but yet extremely annoying that every ranger continue to live with every day
- so we can use spear and knuckle blades, but heck none of our attack skills work on anything but bow. What's up with that really? It feels like ranger is a half baked class that's unfinished.
- revise our skills...
- change as least sharp shot to str based, leave barbed dex build to encourage diversity; or make them both based on both str/dex stats
[*]make the mob skill level based skills - entangle, bolas, conceal, camo - effectiveness based skills. such as increase conceal duration per level, higher level bolas decrease resist rate and increase duration
[*]ranged attack should not trigger damage shield, period.
[*]if we're second in everything, leave it the way it is but give us more utility skills to enhance our uniqueness - how about a skill that buffs attack to change its attack characteristic? such as blunt arrow, slash arrow, magic arrow skill? or how about a simple distract skill or a pet skill that gives us a couple seconds of opening when bolas is resisted and to make us good at helping group deal with adds? or maybe a Debuff skill?
[*]please merge camo & conceal
[*]consider changing camo to a Sprint skill to let the rangers who can't afford speed boots a chance to run away?