A quiver by any other name...
#1I have posted a topic previously that asked about the best quiver for a strength built ranger. I believe Superman recommended a Golden Quiver of Ice which sounds great to me. I have been reading in the forums lately that the standard lux item "Golden Quiver of Rejuv" would actually contribute more damage due to the 12 piercing damage being amplified by my build's strength. Is this really true? Should I purchase a Golden Quiver of Rejuv instead of holding out and saving up for a Golden Quiver of Ice? What hasn't been mentioned are the additional bonuses that the two quivers come with. I know the Rejuv quiver grants plus 100 health and plus 100 energy, what does the Golden Quiver of Ice add? The Rejuv adds plus 10 regen on health and energy. What is the regen on the quiver of ice? Thank you for the feedback.
“It goes ding when there’s stuff.” - 10th Doctor