Ok hi again there fellow celtic ranger LeWiSKi1L3r back and i need help im think about using a alt book
so i'm wanting to know what skills should i use and how i should put my points on them
So i'm level 61 and my skills so far are a bit anoyying with the waiting for rapid shot to regen so i can use it again
these are them now
sharp shot: 13/20
rapid shot 13/20
bolas: 13/20
light heal: 12/20
barbed shot: 12/20
Max: light heal, Bolas, and sharp shot.
Kill and do not put points in: Rapidshot, Barbed shot.
Maxing light heal is always a great Idea no matter your build. As long as your a ranger you would be advised to keep it maxed and maybe go even further and get some rings as well. Bolas is a good idea as it sounds like your more of a run then shoot type than a dodge fighting style, also bolas is beneficial to have in some cases overall. Sharp shot because it is a good skill that gives a nice bit of damage. That said if you are strength based it will equal or almost equal one of your autos, it totally depends on your build, because with a dex build you got a good shot at sharp not only being better damage but being twice or more damage than an auto.
Killing rapid is a really good thing to do. 1) it works the same (actually even more efficient) at level 1 than when you have 13 points in it. You will have a shorter duration but this will not only result in a shorter cool down but also take care of that energy problem you mentioned. Barbed is pretty much broken. I am a dex built ranger, and when I used to have the same or maybe more points in barbed it did/does the same amount of damage that it used to before I killed it. Which like rapid means less energy being used.
I would also suggest getting a ring of energization (+5 energy per tick) as it will help immensely. If you buy from a player your probably looking at 15-20k price range.