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The Dex Ranger

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 3:11 pm
by Balstrodamis
Hey all,
I am level 150 ranger of Mabon (if it doesn't say that below then I dont know what I did wrong), and I want to let others know that in the last update I was a strength build ranger and like most of you only used rapid, steady, bolas, and light heal. However, I have been messing around with dex build and it seems that their is actually potential there now. Since rapid shot was nerfed I knew I needed to change my build. Currently, I am rocking longshot, barbed shot, bolas, light heal, and a minor tad bit of rapid. I am still trying to find out if longshot ever really does root the enemy/why the root is so short. I havent found a real reason as to why I should be using it other than it does about 1.9k damage on mobs. (I have yet to test Sharp Shot and am scared to waste yet another alt book on it, so let me know if it is improved or not). Barbed Shot, well lets put it this way... If you aren't using it, you're wrong lol. Rapid Shot has an annoyingly long cool down and I hate wasting points in it, but it is almost a necessity to my being. Light Heal/Bolas oh how I love these skills. I would never let them go. I have a heal of 810 right now and bolas well its bolas, not much more to add to that.

I have yet to obtain the skill skewer and double shot(whatever the name is). I have tried explosive arrow, but I did not find it useful. It is exciting to have an aoe skill but if you arent in a group that is aoe based all this skill is going to do is get you killed. However, if you are a farmer it is a good skill for you.

If I wasn't clear on anything (cause of my lack of sleep) post a question and Ill try to answer it as soon as I can. I love the fixes to rangers and we are finally getting to use skill points affectively!

Re: The Dex Ranger

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 3:22 pm
by Chelseam2
crap just went half/half to stre build.

Re: The Dex Ranger

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 3:47 pm
by Balstrodamis
There is no need to completely neglect strength as it is still vital for autos. If you were all skills and only hit 80 autos it would be worthless.
My stats are as follows
Str: 250(325)
Dex: 325(475)
So I do lean higher dex but I do have a sustainable amount of strength.

Re: The Dex Ranger

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 7:29 pm
by Rhinoking01
Lol I have 200 stregnth and didn't put dex in I didn't know I needed but my atuo hit is 366 lol better that sharp shot

Re: The Dex Ranger

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 2:44 pm
by Chelseam2
200 on what a village rat? lol

I wish I did that on ymirs when I had that amount of strength in my stats.

Re: The Dex Ranger

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 7:47 pm
by Rhinoking01
I just re did my stats lol I'm all dex and vit some focus no strenght and its perfect for me

Re: The Dex Ranger

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 2:16 am
by Alyssandra
@the op, currently running 430 str/425 dex/280 vit - maxed sharp shot for the heck of it to test dmg, currently hitting 700-1.2k on lvl 160-164s with it. . .not that much better than straight bow dmg, but not terrible either

Re: The Dex Ranger

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 12:59 pm
by Fionn :)
I'm sitting as more..dex positive hybrid type class...
With max longshot (ughh soo good)
41/35 sharp (ughh pretty good :P)
Max heal..think I can get 772
Bolas...think up to 160..idk
And the rest in barbed

This works (for me) AMAZINGLY, I tend to just hit really hard with skills, and then hope for the best with the melee. The worst (or could be best, depending how you play) thing about my build, is you WILL pull aggro off ANYONE. Mike went full dps rogue at 160, I was still taking aggro off him, and I wasn't even auto hitting o.O