I decided to wait a while to make this post based on what I've seen training as a ranger in update 4.
While rangers have been near the bottom of the pack for dps for a while now, it wasn't quite as noticeable as it is now.
Rogues and Mages got a major dps boost - rogue skills do more than auto, and I've seen mages hit 8k+ on 160+ mobs. What did rangers get? Rapid shot no longer hits as fast, Steady Aim was nerfed, Sharp Shot hits the same as an auto hit. . .a bit more if lucky. As for new skills, where are these points supposed to come from? Ranger is full of skills that cannot be used effectively unless you max them: Bolas, Conceal, Camo, Longshot, Sharp Shot. Should we choose not to use these skills we're left with Steady Aim (nerfed), Rapid Shot (nerfed), Light Heal (nerfed in pvp, which is a whooole nother complaint), Sharpen Weapons (admittedly a decent group buff, if you're training with rogues or have it maxed) and Barbed Shot which still isn't that great.
Sure, I get it, Ranger is the proverbial "Jack of all Trades" proficient at all, master of none. But this seriously takes it too far. With new bosses and rage timers, who wants a ranger that won't be putting out near as much dmg as a rogue or mage? Honestly, when we did the 160 6* boss on epona, I was shoved into the tank group as a backup druid. . .which we can thank sigil and energy issues for.
As far as pvp goes, Ranger is the underdog for all. . .alot of people talk about arena and if you can't defend yourself, don't go in. All our decent skills are nerfed, Light Heal only heals less than half its max, Bolas only lasts 15 seconds, Sharp Shot tends to do less dmg than auto, Rapid is slowed down so our auto won't get us far especially against rogues whose melee is faster than us on rapid. What do you expect us to do?
Sure rangers can solo, people like to come back to that one. . .but so can almost any class when set up properly, and with plat aids can do it alot faster.
Don't get me wrong, I still love ranger and will continue to play it, I just feel the class balance has been upset and it's leaving rangers in the dust.
Current State of Rangers
#1World: Epona
Alyssandra Ranger Lvl 221
Atropos Druid Lvl 225
Nyssa Rogue Lvl 215
Briar Rose Mage Lvl 215
Lasciel Rogue Lvl 217
Owl Ranger Lvl 190
Lenore Druid Lvl 191
I could agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.
Alyssandra Ranger Lvl 221
Atropos Druid Lvl 225
Nyssa Rogue Lvl 215
Briar Rose Mage Lvl 215
Lasciel Rogue Lvl 217
Owl Ranger Lvl 190
Lenore Druid Lvl 191
I could agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.