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Need some ranger help

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 5:34 pm
by Buddy
I want to solo lvl, but i always seem to die. I like to auto attack. I only have 30 energy regen so im good with autoing.just need help with some good solo-ranger stats.

Re: Need some ranger help

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:48 pm
by Danyael
Knowing yer lvl, skill point allocation, and rough idea of yer gear would help narrow down useful suggestions :)

But in a broad sense (assuming you're still low lvl), I'd suggest going with a dex build for boosts to attack, defence, and dex-based skills like light heal, sharpshot/longshot, steady aim. Higher Dex will enable you to hit your target more often as well as allow you to dodge more attacks. Train Bow ability to max. Reduce stats in Str to minimum, and place in Dex first, Vit 2nd, and maybe a lil extra in Focus to help you not run out of energy too quick. Lastly, save up for some more energy regen lux (offhand, bracelets, etc) so you can reduce your stats in Focus to dump in Dex and Vit.

Re: Need some ranger help

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 9:45 pm
by Buddy
Ok Thank you this really helps, im lvl 135 met gear/frozen gear

Re: Need some ranger help

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 11:28 pm
by Ziva
Bolas, move, attack, repeat.

I agree with the stat suggestion.
Adjust vitality and focus as needed.

When i solo, i bolas, sharp shot, rapid, repeat.

Also, i just started using camo and love it. All in all though, im disappointed with ranger skill set.