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Beginning Ranger Questions

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 4:17 pm
by ohxstatexio
So I am new to the forums and the game. Hello all.
I have decided to pursue a Ranger as my main, I have decided to go with a Strength build after reading through various posts.
What are the best pet options for a Ranger? I know I may be wasting my time, but I want the bear from fishing and am currently leveling this up, are the other options better? I read on a post that at events you can use your bounty tokens for the mounts also, should I go ahead and get a pet or save them for an event? Speaking of.....How in the name of all things good do you get a mount? I have searched the forums and many posts, my only conclusion is that it is Event and chests only? Is this correct?
With a strength build, should I put points into Dex or go full strength? Lastly what bosses should I focus on to get gear. I am only level 60 as of now, I know, I know, I am very new.

Re: Beginning Ranger Questions

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 3:59 pm
by Skevros
1. For the stats do mostly str and some vit (put dex and foc if needed because at your lv there aren't a lot of good items)
2. For the mount usually there would be a shop like in the old castle but idk if in the new update there'a gonna be a shop right now you can only get from chests or other people
3. At your lv a auto build isn't that good (unless you have really good lux for your lv ) I would go dex build str build isn't good until like lv 180+ pretty sure but if your solo I would go dex (really just depends on your preference)

Re: Beginning Ranger Questions

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 4:06 pm
by Skevros
And for the bosses at your lv there aren't really any good loot dropping ones I would just save up for ancient if you aren't in a clan that will provide warden

Re: Beginning Ranger Questions

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 6:42 pm
by ohxstatexio
Thanks for the info. Appreciate it!

Re: Beginning Ranger Questions

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 9:57 pm
by Paradise
Don't lvl up with a str build.

For stats do pure DEX with some VIT for survival.

Use Sharpshot, Longshot, and Explosive arrow for damage. Light Heal and Bolas for survival.