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What's the Best Ammy for a Ranger, level 174?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 8:13 pm
by wardukescott
I'm saving up for a good Amulet for my Level 174 Ranger and I don't want to purchase the wrong one. I'm focused in DEX, but I don't ignore putting some points into STR either so I guess that means I'm a Hybrid?. Anyone have some advice for a a Ranger?

I appreciate it.

Re: What's the Best Ammy for a Ranger, level 174?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 9:38 pm
by Zaran
Stargrem storm caller

Re: What's the Best Ammy for a Ranger, level 174?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 10:24 pm
by Zkills
At 174 I’d say star gem dex ammy. Dex is way better at lower lvls for leveling and str builds are better for endgame bossing.

Re: What's the Best Ammy for a Ranger, level 174?

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 3:13 am
by wardukescott
Stargrem storm caller
Thanks for the information =) Any idea how much gold I'm going to have to drop on a Stargem Storm Caller Necklace?

Re: What's the Best Ammy for a Ranger, level 174?

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 7:16 am
by Ventius
At 174 I’d say star gem dex ammy. Dex is way better at lower lvls for leveling and str builds are better for endgame bossing.
Since the op said they are a dex ranger currently, that means they naturally have lower str so the str off stormcalled ammy is actually a lot more beneficial. I would definately recommend the stormcaller ammy. Also means you dont need to buy a new ammy once you reach end game :p

Also on end game, str build is not the best build. A dex or hybrid build is superios cause rangers have dex buffs and every dps skill (excluding dbl shot) is a dex skill and lets not forget that dex boosts attack aswell. The secret is working out a good mix of str and dex in your build