by Deathstroke
Alright..lets get to work.
Riposte-- Max this skill! Ask any rogue and they will agree
If you have shadowstrike (which i didnt see) I'd say max it
Bandage-- Imo I would have this skill maxed, because i only solo atm. If you group level I'd only put a few points into it. Maybe like...eh 10?
Quickstrike-- as soon as your auto attacks hit higher than quick ditch it. Wastes your energy for dealing the same dmg as your auto. Not worth the points
Rend-- I personally like the skill for the casting time damage and the DOT. With this one its a personal decision. For me I have it maxed.
Poison wep.--if you use your auto attack more than skills max this one! If you just spam the skills dont worry about it unless you have extra points.
Sneaky attack-- Hmmm ive always wondered yea or nah. Its a great starting skill if you can handle the energy loss. If you can't i wouldn't use it.
Assassinate-- do not use! I dont really know why you should use it. I've used alts and tested the difference between it maxed and not. I honestly put the points into something better.
Fast reflexes-- yes yes it helps you dodge more...blah.. Blah... Good for solo. Pointless for grouping. Solo, max. Group, dont bother it
Double attack-- do not use. Only good for high peirce, slash, and crushing weps. Definitly not a rogue skill.
Meditation-- if you need some help with energy regen between fights put some into it. If your energy regen is fine leave it be.
Recup.-- not necessary
Shadowstrike-- (if you have) max it I'm guessing 25/25? For levels 100?
Riposte-- max it
Poison weapon-- max if you use autos more than skills
Rend-- personal decision ( i like it, you may also)
Sneaky-- if you have extra points put into sneak
Bandage-- I'd say max it
Fast-- i can't see the difference in maxing it and having it at level 1
Assassinate-- don't use
Meditate-- maybe 12 points into it max if energy regen is needed
Recup-- never
Catch me in game and i can tell you what I use alot better than on here
My lack of depth perception doesn't make me any less dangerous. Contemplate that for a while