From my experience so far i prefer dex after 180, shoot for 350-450 stre, 1000 dex, around 3750 hp, high lvl troll braces help, i dont max poison just topped off at 100 dmg, max sneaky, qs, ss, non maxed riposte just raise it to 2000 ish, rend 1,
U shuld b at 2000 defense wich is decent for dodge, if u use def lix or combo ur definitely good
I used this build with frozen dagger (i kindof like the quick pokes between skills)
Oh for armor i use mix of dl and anc wyrm ( warrior spider helm actually tbh i find it amazing for rogue, until get dl )
Dex/foc bracers are def. Good if u dont have the evergy bonus of dl
Leveling 180-181 about 10 lixs and 35 resto, 181-182 harder to say as i was in a grp (was like 13 ish)
Train wyrms if solo, trolls werent bad with a tank
Will take your guys advice also on trying zombies
Never be afraid to use gear that adds more foc/vit as it frees up pts for stre/dex l
And thats my build for non endgame lol