Tea. Great job! Very useful guide that will help me to know how I want to build my rogue. 1 question I have is does quickstrike go up one focus point per skill stat after 15-25. At 15/15 now it's 18 focus and if it continues with increasing 1 focus per stat up to 25 it will require 28 focus at 25. That seems reasonable to max out quickstrike as long as you have heroic rejuv and bodkin spirits it wouldn't seem to deplete your energy at 28 focus and is the most used skill of rogues. Tea if u may not know, any beta tester have any info about the focus increase for quickstrike? I'm glad they changed hide to make you semi invisible. Now in the arena I just have to sneak up behind someone to land a sneaky. I think rangers now have a skill that makes them semi invisible too. So us rogues aren't going to be the only ones that can become hard to see.
This is my point about 25/25 skills no...it's not 1 energy more, I don't have a rogue high enough to test exactly how much energy it costs, but I am guessing a 25/25 quick strike costs like 88 energy. Maybe 102.
Also a 15/15 quick might be 18 in live, but it's more in update, not more than 25, but the energy costs across the board have ballooned.
You can't look at 15/15 being like 15/25 in either energy nor DMG, it's all stat based and if you have low STR it's full possible your current 15/15 skill may hit for more than 25/25. The skill points matter, they are like the engine but the fuel is the stat, and the more you have the better and further you go