I am Level 74 with Hero ammy and Ice Trident i have Strength of 95(150) Dex of 145 (190) 10 Focus and 135 Vit giving me 1069 Health.1-50
If you have all the lux i recommended no Vit will be needed just upgrade strength
Add vit now and keep it around 2k by level 100 then strength
Keep Vit at 2-2.5k and lots of strength
Now is the time to switch to dex not only giving you more attack but defense also stats should be 2-2.5k vit and all dex
the skill i use are QS 20/20 Sneaky 20/20 Riposte 34/20 and i always had left over for SS if i ever got it but someone told me to but the leftover 16 points into FastReflexes,and when i use it i dont notice any diffence in the amount of damage im taking.
What am i doing wrong?