Title says all...
Current Gear:
Full Dl Set
180 Haste Dagger
180 Dagger
150 Wyld Sun Ammy
Comrak Bladeleaf Charm
Lvl 100 Dex Skyglass Bracelet
180 Str Regen Bracelet
Royal Shadowstrike Ring
+8 Life Steal Ring
2 180 Str Eldritch Valour Rings
Thats my Gear ^
My question is what should my stats and skills be for a solo lixing build for levels 181-190 at the tower. I can either rainbow or combo.
Help Needed on a Leveling Build For Tower (Lvl 181 atm)
#1Toon Name: Mehran
Server: Belenus
Class: Rogue
Lvl: 186
1st person to get full DL outside of top 2 clans on Belenus. Got the first 2 sets, rouge and ranger.
Server: Belenus
Class: Rogue
Lvl: 186
1st person to get full DL outside of top 2 clans on Belenus. Got the first 2 sets, rouge and ranger.