See now its a dilemma, because it could be the ability affects it and OTM didnt clearly say that abilities dont boost, because what admin said works the same for defence, yet attack affects ur melee accuracy.If you believe OTM is telling the truth, then class ability has nothing to do with skill hits.Are u certain on Cunning?Cunning doesn't help land skill attacks. It increases skill effectively though.
Mob evasion percentage is fixed depending on which mob. Bosses have higher rates than normal mobs. And just like your movement evasion ability is one single number that affects your chance to evade movement attacks, doesn't matter who you fight, your evasion chance is the same. There's nothing you can do about it.
As confirmed by OTM years ago:
The evasions work off the level and the evasion ability.
So for example if you are higher level than the enemy, you will evade their attacks more, the same goes the other way around.
So if you are currently fighting things much higher level than you, there will be more evasions, but as you level up the tables will turn and you start to will evade their skills more than they do yours.
In other words I could copy paste what admin said and replace evasions/evade with defence/dodge. Also we know OTM isnt too generous with giving out info and often arent too sure of it themselves. I feel like theres a clear effect. For example when I was a tank I loved emberdrake rings and had much higher melee combat, and my bashes landed a lot more on bosses where bashes dont land so much (such as necro).