Celtic Heroes

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Re: Update 4: Rogue Poisoner (mid lvl Build Guide)

How does the dagger of slaying measure up to the axe of triumph in this build? The axe has far more elemental dmg, and gives the large str bonus... But it would be awful nice to have the regen, since I won't be using the neck ammy any more. Anyone tried both? Any (helpful) comments appreciated :)
Sigils then and Necro post :evil:
Flamingduckee- lvl 155+ druid full froZen
FlamingDPS- lvl 86 rouge
Flaminghawk- lvl 20 mage
RIP Solitaire
Clansman of Marath
RIP-ferdais blades
John 3:16
https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/i ... 054AAhfLoh

Re: Update 4: Rogue Poisoner (mid lvl Build Guide)

How does the dagger of slaying measure up to the axe of triumph in this build? The axe has far more elemental dmg, and gives the large str bonus... But it would be awful nice to have the regen, since I won't be using the neck ammy any more. Anyone tried both? Any (helpful) comments appreciated :)
Sigils then and Necro post :evil:
Not a necro post, any of the guides labelled as u4 are still relevant
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

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