by BlackMamba
I know because I discovered the potential for howling wind 5 months ago, my main is a druid, and I know all the solo druids in my world? Give them damage gear and theyll die way too easily, use their best armor and they kill far too slowly. Criminal was talking about tanking anyways, not soloing. Have you tried either of the two on any red boss using a druid? They're much different from a wyvern...you already said not deadroot shiver or rockbelly, but you think they stand a chance against bladewing? even stonefang, any druid would get demolished if they tried to solo. You said max bark and embrace at level 120, leaving room for two more skills. You later talk about howling wind, and assuming you max that also you have one offensive skill and no nature touch? Even with a max bark and best armor possible that is probably barely 700. Lastly, your energy regen would not come close to keeping up with your skills. Think before you speak next time, I think a druid stands almost no chance at effectively tanking any six star red boss, and even less at soloing one. The most difficult bosses I have heard of a druid soloing were the wisps, but let me know if you have seen anything harder
Level 220 mage- InnerCircle of Rhiannon
Necro, proteus, unox kills