The nerfed rogues.
Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:39 am
Hi guys i am playing alrady over a year now on my rogue and sinse then we only got nerfed...
First of all the off handed weapons are supposed to be rogues? Why does all the classes get them...
Our dmg has been nerfed nerfed and again nerfed.. A warrior with sword and 150 str got higher dmg then i do with diamond dagger / 305 str / golden bloodlust how is this supposed to be fair?
Mages lvl 105 owning brown threes without getting harmed i almost die when i try to kill a 2 star brown three.
Rangers got a skill to speed up there attack speed why? rogues are supposed to be the fastest hitters in game so why dont we get that skil?
Skill hits getting lesser when i upgraded them...
Warriors with 150 str fast sword and ice blade alot of vit and use protective stand out dps rogue.
AeO to hard vs dps rogues at bosses they need to hit lower.
When the regen off hands came out none for rogue until the admin came to our world and i asked why there arent rogues regen off hand then they made it weird isnt it?
hide useless if you have camo charm
We need a buff up like better dmg or so but something to make rogues more specific again cause everything that where rogues once is warrior now...
some of you might not agreed i get that but i have seen it all...
First of all the off handed weapons are supposed to be rogues? Why does all the classes get them...
Our dmg has been nerfed nerfed and again nerfed.. A warrior with sword and 150 str got higher dmg then i do with diamond dagger / 305 str / golden bloodlust how is this supposed to be fair?
Mages lvl 105 owning brown threes without getting harmed i almost die when i try to kill a 2 star brown three.
Rangers got a skill to speed up there attack speed why? rogues are supposed to be the fastest hitters in game so why dont we get that skil?
Skill hits getting lesser when i upgraded them...
Warriors with 150 str fast sword and ice blade alot of vit and use protective stand out dps rogue.
AeO to hard vs dps rogues at bosses they need to hit lower.
When the regen off hands came out none for rogue until the admin came to our world and i asked why there arent rogues regen off hand then they made it weird isnt it?
hide useless if you have camo charm
We need a buff up like better dmg or so but something to make rogues more specific again cause everything that where rogues once is warrior now...
some of you might not agreed i get that but i have seen it all...