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Limitation of the Rogue role/purpose

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:18 pm
by hatoyo
i feel rogues are stuck to dps, while all other classes have options.
Warriors can be tank or dps. rangers can be support or dps. (many different support for them like heals, entangle, bolas and spikes) mages can be luring/ energy support or spell dps. Druids can be heals or dps, or support (like ressurection and buffs)

anyone think rogues should get small choices? like AOE buffs that add dmg so we could support, or maybe reflexes and dex adding skill evasion/armor maybe so we could be mini tanks. These skills would be dex or vit based so we wouldnt be overpowered dps at same time.

Re: Limitation of the Rogue role/purpose

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:44 pm
by Brookie
Would personally rather a boost in dps by a bit more to all other classes. As its what I chose rogue for

Re: Limitation of the Rogue role/purpose

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:12 pm
by Papi
i feel rogues are stuck to dps, while all other classes have options.
Warriors can be tank or dps. rangers can be support or dps. (many different support for them like heals, entangle, bolas and spikes) mages can be luring/ energy support or spell dps. Druids can be heals or dps, or support (like ressurection and buffs)

anyone think rogues should get small choices? like AOE buffs that add dmg so we could support, or maybe reflexes and dex adding skill evasion/armor maybe so we could be mini tanks. These skills would be dex or vit based so we wouldnt be overpowered dps at same time.
+ 1000

Totally agree, dex based alternative to dps. I really like the ability to interupt skills. Imagine a rogue tank where most of his skills were in dodging blocking and interupting. Your job is to prevent the mob from doing damage. Less work for the Druids to do. Have a new jester skill/armor that just annoys the snot out of the mob so you constantly have agro and they keep missing. Back in oh 81 the dragon magazine came out with a jester class for dnd which used laughter to incapacitate and do damage.

Re: Limitation of the Rogue role/purpose

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:30 pm
by hatoyo
Would personally rather a boost in dps by a bit more to all other classes. As its what I chose rogue for
that might be alright, but most people I dont think get to make an educated choice about their class, you just log in and make your first toon, the game tells you nothing about what classes do until you have already made a toon.

Re: Limitation of the Rogue role/purpose

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:53 pm
by Brookie
It use to. I duno why they took it out would love to see warrior tank Mage nuke/tactical skill ranger ranged and support Druid healer and rogue dps

Re: Limitation of the Rogue role/purpose

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:47 pm
by KiyKiy
i feel rogues are stuck to dps
I would like to say that I am a very successful almost-full tank rogue and, yes, there are some downsides to it but in no way feel ''limited'' to have to be a dps character. I love my build, others love how helpful my build is for groups and it definitely does not feel like I am breaking any perpetual boundaries.

Re: Limitation of the Rogue role/purpose

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:52 pm
by Brookie
You may beable to tank all but otherworld bosses and then if I come. Your useless as I get agro I can tank a few bosses myself with a good Druid and bark. But in the long run I can't keep aggro without dps so im useless. Basicly saying ur a good tank rogue is like saying ur a good support rogue. Half decent but nothing compared with other classes...

Re: Limitation of the Rogue role/purpose

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:27 pm
by KiyKiy
I can tank better than half the warriors around me and i still have good damage to boot. Half decent doesn't even come close to describing how helpful my rogue is. Even if i lose aggro to a dps character, where does it fall back to when the dps dies in three seconds? me.

Re: Limitation of the Rogue role/purpose

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 4:15 pm
by Brookie
I am a tank rogue myself for stats and of I had a shield I could easily do it but... Your a tank ur ment to prevent people dieing u let ur dps die. Any half decent warrior would rock u at it I am doubtfull you could get over 600-700 armour without Druid a warrior can pretty much double it and keep aggro. Try tanking a harder boss then tell me u can tank when they hit so hard a lvl 100-110 warrior should be a much bette tank aslong as they have the build for it and would probs keep aggro off most with maxed taunt and warcry

Re: Limitation of the Rogue role/purpose

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:57 am
by KiyKiy
Try tanking a harder boss then tell me u can tank
I have tanked pyrus without a single idol needed. Don't tell me what i can and cannot do.