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Your New Rogue Skills.

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 3:24 am
by RedRouge

New Rogue Skills.

If we were to get new rogue skills what would you like them to be?
I'm not talking about fixing the skills we currently have that are broken or worthless when you reach a certain level. I'm enquiring what NEW skills would you like to see. Try and think of the skill as a game designer might. How would it fit with being a rogue in Celtic heroes. What might the game dynamics be if the skill was available. What would you call it?)

there has been some really good ideas for new skills here, but this was a topic on what is wrong with our current skills. ... 51&t=18271
I'd like to compile the new skill ideas here :D

here are my ideas...

Poison Bomb 1/5

Throw a poison bomb towards your enemy, creating a cloud of poison that deals 10 points of poison damage per tick for 20 seconds to the target and the enemies surrounding it.

Veil of Sickness 1/5

Release a thin veil of poisonous mist, leaving your enemy more vulnerable to poison attacks for 40secs
Adding 3% more damage for every poison damage taken.

Blinding Flash 1/5

Use your cunning to stun the enemy with a sneaky blinding flash for 5 sec. The enemy will not be able to attack or target you or other players for that duration.

Twitch Reflex 1/5

Use your cunning ability to speed up your twitch reflexes to counter attack your enemy, adding 10 piercing damage every time you successfully dodge an attack.

How might these change the current dynamics of the rogue?

I've created a DPS support role for Rogues, with Veil of Sickness. Also making it very useful to cast Poison weapon on other players, without changing a thing about the Poison weapon skill. In conjunction with the poison bomb we might just have found a new type of rogue.

Blinding Flash not only a cool skill on it's own, but think of the implications it would have to Sneaky Attack, and Hide during soloing or PvP?

Twitch Reflex, would help with DPS while soloing, or PvP.

What would your skills be?

RedRouge signing off.

Re: Your New Rogue Skills.

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 5:37 am
by left4dead
i like the idea of blinding flash.

Re: Your New Rogue Skills.

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:09 am
by KiyKiy
i like the idea of blinding flash.
Ditto. We're the only class without a stun/slow skill, and if we want the classes balanced this is one way to pump the rogue up to standard.

Re: Your New Rogue Skills.

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:25 pm
by Warsong
i like the idea of blinding flash.
Hell yea! Ive been saying that past 9+ months! And I sure as hell know Im not only one!

Re: Your New Rogue Skills.

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:59 pm
by SneakyPerry
Blinding flash would be nice because rogues can't heal in battle unless they dodge enough with reflexes, all other classes can. Mage: freeze, Druid: grasping roots, Warrior: shield bash

Re: Your New Rogue Skills.

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:33 am
by Warsong
Exactly! Especially with sigils.

Re: Your New Rogue Skills.

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:04 am
by BLRD-7
Play Dead should last 15 secs with 30 secs recast time. Should leave a Timer Spell on the mob, keeping it from resetting for the duration.

Re: Your New Rogue Skills.

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:12 am
by Warsong
Play Dead should last 15 secs with 30 secs recast time. Should leave a Timer Spell on the mob, keeping it from resetting for the duration.
Agreed. I think most rogues started saying that when they got royal play dead ring. Lol that was my first royal ring ever...

Re: Your New Rogue Skills.

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:31 am
by BLRD-7
Hahaha.. I have no Royal Play Dead :?.. Though, I do have a Play Dead Hween Charm and i think we have about 2-3 Royal Play Dead rings sat in our bank.. Probably an equal amount of Grand's too :roll:

My first Royal Ring was a Royal Ring of Cunning.. Not sure what's worse :lol:

Re: Your New Rogue Skills.

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:33 am
by Warsong
Guess who has A godly Play dead ring and a minor playdead ring :P