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Lol new character

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 2:02 am
by Arcanus
So I recently just made a new character, DPS rogue. I changed to ranger after my last rogue, Burglar, and in the process of selling stuff to afford ancient warbow made me kinda poor. (I do this a lot, :P) I then changed to my new rogue, BlueBlades. I am a pretty nice DPS, but definitely regret buying a Warmagic Helm from lux shop. Anyways, I am still on Sulis as a Level 32+ DPS Rogue.

Re: Lol new character

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:00 pm
by chaoslord1
You can ask support for a refund if it was Store Brought via sending a ticket. Don't count on it being refunded if it's been over a week.