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Attack...Just For Show ???

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:20 am
by MyNameIsEd
Okay.. So I have a level 58 rogue with 140 str and almost 700 attack..with 379 dmg...but I have a friend who has 60str and does almost the same damage as me!!!!!He has around 400 attack.. So the question is what is attack suppose to show???!?? It definitely does not show how much damage u do...from my experience.Thanks

Re: Attack...Just For Show ???

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 3:20 am
by KiyKiy
You're right, attack has nothing to do with your damage output. Attack is the stat that corresponds to your chance of landing melee hits (auto-attacks).

I could go into the maths behind it but basically it all means that the higher attack you have, the less chance you have of missing attacks. Therefore your friend may hit around the same damage as you do, but you will miss less frequently.

Re: Attack...Just For Show ???

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 9:31 am
by MyNameIsEd
But hold on... I have 140 str and he has 85 (last time i got wrong but not much difference anyways) and he does almost the same dmg as me!! There is basically no difference between our items pls help i need to know. :/

Re: Attack...Just For Show ???

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 11:03 am
by Criminal
different gear / he got much higher daggers ability

or hes just saying he got more dmg

Re: Attack...Just For Show ???

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 12:43 pm
by Fluttershy
Attack increases your CHANCE to hit an opponent.

Damage shows how much damage you can ACTUALLY do. Compare the damage with your friend, not attack.

Re: Attack...Just For Show ???

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 1:19 pm
by MyNameIsEd
Yes I know..but I have 145str and he only has 85!!!
He almost does the same damage as me! For eg.i do 379 and he does 370! This is what I want to know.

Re: Attack...Just For Show ???

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 1:45 pm
by KiyKiy
Your damage is based on not just strength, but also weapon damage, weapon ability and a teeny tiny (tiny tiny) bit of dexterity along with any damage you may have on armour/jewellery.

For example if i had 300 strength but a dagger that only deals 50 damage and my dagger ability is only 300, my friend with 100 strength, 500 dagger ability and a dagger with 80 damage will have a more statistical damage (damage value on stats page). Does that make sense at all? :?

Re: Attack...Just For Show ???

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:06 pm
by MyNameIsEd

Re: Attack...Just For Show ???

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 3:51 pm
by Criminal
Your damage is based on not just strength, but also weapon damage, weapon ability and a teeny tiny (tiny tiny) bit of dexterity along with any damage you may have on armour/jewellery.

For example if i had 300 strength but a dagger that only deals 50 damage and my dagger ability is only 300, my friend with 100 strength, 500 dagger ability and a dagger with 80 damage will have a more statistical damage (damage value on stats page). Does that make sense at all? :?
well he did mention same gear, so i assumed its Daggers ability (and idk about dex giving dmg so havent noticed)

also can be that ur friend is using poison weapon, with good amount of dex and maybe rings
every 25 main wep ability pts (if u use a dagger, then the main ability will be daggers), give 1 dmg
im not 100% sure on the number, but it should be around that amount

Re: Attack...Just For Show ???

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 5:36 pm
by Awe :)
different gear / he got much higher daggers ability

or hes just saying he got more dmg
If his dagger ability was higher, it'd increase his damage you're right, but each ability point also increases your attack by 1 point. As his attack is quite low I guess his dagger ability is quite low but he has a better main/offhand, helm, ammulet, bracelet or ring than you.