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Which Brace to Use? ( High Level Rogues )
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 4:45 am
by VultureFromDanu
Hello there,
To all my fellow rogues out there, I am wondering which of the following bracelets do you think does more dps.
Thanks you for all the help, its much appreciated.
Re: Which Brace to Use? ( High Level Rogues )
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:07 am
by KiyKiy
Judging by your damage rings i am assuming that you tend to prefer your autos to do higher damage. In that case, i would suggest the troll bracelet.
Re: Which Brace to Use? ( High Level Rogues )
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:31 pm
by VultureFromDanu
So, in that case. What's better to be? Mellee hitter or skills hitter?
Re: Which Brace to Use? ( High Level Rogues )
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:12 pm
by KiyKiy
It's a bit hard to say really, both sides have their perks and drawbacks. I personally think it's nice to have a bit of a balance.
However, in saying that, i tend to tell people to choose whatever they think works best for them, or what they enjoy doing better; I don't think there's much point telling someone who prefers having huge autos to stop doing what they love and start spamming skills instead.
But err enough of my odd rant...
I'd say the 100 armour makes up for any defence or reflexes boost gained by the aggy brace's 75 dex but you could try (if you can be bothered) switching to the aggy brace when sneaky is ready to use, then switching back. I like switching gear a lot mid-fights (even in duels) to suit what i'm about to do next and i'd like to think that the extra effort makes a nice difference.
Failing all that, i'd suggest just sticking with the cuff.
Re: Which Brace to Use? ( High Level Rogues )
Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:29 pm
by SoulRanger
It's pretty simple. Think about it. You use dl wep so your speed is 1900. Now assume your on haste. Your new speed is 760. Now take 60 / .760. Thats 92 hits in 1 minute. So 92 x 80= 7360. Thats a minute. Or 122 dmg a second. Sneaky wont come close.
Re: Which Brace to Use? ( High Level Rogues )
Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 6:52 pm
by PumpkinLord
The hrun brace gives 100 armor and 80 dmg.... there's no competition I would use the hrun brace.
Re: Which Brace to Use? ( High Level Rogues )
Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 7:24 pm
by pigman
Hrung bracelet
That said 8+ mord skill rings can be better than damage rings as most of rogue dps is actually skill based now, simply due to insane boss defence
Re: Which Brace to Use? ( High Level Rogues )
Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:12 pm
by Criminal
the hrung brace
all the reasons mentioned above + melee dmg will higher some of skills dmg by same amount sometimes (such as, if u got 80 heat dmg from brace, u will also get 80 dmg for sneaky, which is also a bit, and also 160 for double if u and ofc ur melee)
also with that speed melee is pretty great, altough theres the insane defence for each boss, that brace is good and also gives both dmg and armour which helps a lot (on aoes armour will affect unlike defence), and with high enough attack u will be able to land more hits
Re: Which Brace to Use? ( High Level Rogues )
Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:51 pm
by Levyy
The hrun brace gives 100 armor and 80 dmg.... there's no competition I would use the hrun brace.
I use this bracelet
Re: Which Brace to Use? ( High Level Rogues )
Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 3:59 am
by SoulRanger
Hrung bracelet
That said 8+ mord skill rings can be better than damage rings as most of rogue dps is actually skill based now, simply due to insane boss defence
Completely incorrect. I've just proven this a few posts ago. U attack every .7 seconds no skill could in their life keep up.