This is my stats now. What you think?
dex is a boss soloing stat for rogues, but u shouldnt leave ur vit for it, as ik kiy she would tell u to lower ur str to 170-200, take those points in vit, take some out of dex for vit too, until ur health is good enough (i assume 2k by the time ur 120, increase it slowly along lvling, i assume 3k by the time ur 150, although u will have gear improvements as well), also, dont forget gear, gear can get u enough health without adding too much to vit, that way u save stat points for ur dex.
Full met - at lvl 130 switch to full frozen - 135 get frozen dagger - 152 4 pieces of Ancient Beastbone (dont use regular imo), should be enough to cover ur energy and health without full frozen, while using frozen / adamant / obsidian bp - 156, either regular or Ancient Beastbone bp, for more energy and health, if ancient then more armour too, aim for the ancient.
Energy brace is very recommended, by kiy mostly, the one who suggested me to use my older brace is kiy, and its not too expensive, gives resists and increases ur total energy as well.
Offhand - offhand can also cover for ur energy issues, such as primal/elder/essence blade or dagger of slaying/bounty, ik kiy was using the essence blade, i cant answer for her if the 1k heal skill was what made it better for her than dagger of bounty or not, i myself rather use an axe, but for rejuv most ppl suggest the dagger of slaying/bounty.
Skills - u need ot use skills wisely, cant just spam lifesteal, it is very costly, with pretty fast cooldown, if ur using too much u might find urself out of energy, which is why i suggest, if ur on heroic health/super combo, dont use it if ur almost fully healed, with high enough health, the elix should regen ur health quickly, so use it only when actually needed. Also timing skills can increase ur dps, like Riposte, as for Shadowstrike, i dont know if theres a better way to use it to not get glitched in place so u need to either walk a bit or wait until u can attack, better walk.
No expert rogue but those are all basic things u should know about saving energy, also, increasing dps can help on energy regen, doesnt have to be by skills, but timing, maybe a partner, extra elix and gear, will make u kill faster, the faster u kill the less energy ur using, also u get hit less and have more time to travel from one mob to another and let ur elix regen ur health. All of this little things count.