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Lvl. 65 Rogue Stats

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 4:45 pm
by Balthazar
I'm a level 65 rogue thats pretty evenly distributed stat points across all four areas. I figured that each has its own merits, but then noticed people putting emphasis on only certain traits. How do I improve point distribution?

I use QS, sneak attack, assassinate, double attack, plus other various healing, etc.

I need to be able to maximize attack by cutting unnecessary points on other traits. Thoughts and tips are appreciated.

Re: Lvl. 65 Rogue Stats

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 4:48 pm
by Scorpio77
Most people use QS, shadowstrike, riposte, and lifesteal for skills. Shadow is usually real expensive but worth saving for.