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What Offhand With Reaper Ring?

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:45 pm
by Jamz
My rogue has currently got reaper ring equipped and has an arcane axe equipped. I've been debating which offhand I should buy for when I hit 150. I already have a fiery conquest in my bank waiting on me to hit the level. I have a higher tier haste ring so there is no need in a haste dagger. I need you guy's opinion on what offhand I should use, should I keep conquest axe or buy an alternative. Thanks in advance.

Re: What Offhand With Reaper Ring?

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 7:07 pm
by Dynamit3
Well it's either the axe or dagger of bounty, the bounty dagger if I'm not wrong works really well if you're str built as well as the regens if you don't have many, the axe does give a good str boost as well as damage but doesn't provide the unresisted poison damage that the dagger provides, personally I like the axe more but if you know someone willing to lend you the dagger to also test you can see which one you prefer

Re: What Offhand With Reaper Ring?

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 11:46 pm
by Deadstrike
Axe better unless you buy the best event gear like current str dex ammy or stargem str ammy and brace etc so if you do have the gear bounty better

Re: What Offhand With Reaper Ring?

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 9:15 am
by Deezy

If you need regens then bounty dagger

If not then axe

Even tho the dagger provides 80 poison damage, it still does less than axe in DPS since its got 30 pierce which is generally less resisted then elemental damage. Also the axe provides a str boost that can be used to save some points or make current strength based skills stronger.