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Tips on Current Status

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:48 pm
by PurpleKn1ght
Hello All,

I would like some input on what I currently have going on with my rogue as well as any items I might need to buy (I have about 300k leftover but also am saving for a mount :P).

Level: 111

Strength 55 (365)
Dexterity 210 (300) [325 with trident]
Focus 10
Vitality 305 (345)

Health: 3k
Energy: 500

Attack: 1557 (dagger) 1437 (trident)
Defense: 700 (dagger) 750 (trident)
Damage: 641 (dagger) 889 (trident)
Armor: 306

Shadowstrike: 23/25
Life Steal: 23/25
Riposte: 18/25
Sneaky Attack: 20/25
Fast Reflexes 20/25
Assassinate 2/25 (5/25)
Quick Strike 14/25 <This is where my skill points I believe are wasted

Full Zodiac
Meteoric Dagger
[or Dark Trident of Celerity (getting closer to dagger ability but not quite there yet)]
Freezing Axe of Triumph
Wyldgrove Amulet of the Sun
Ring of Haste
>>Other Jewelry:
I swap out some rings depending on what I am doing, have a +10(Str/dex/vit) brace and +20 str brace that boosts sneaky and assassinate

Any advice or help is appreciated!!

Re: Tips on Current Status

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:06 pm
by Aeryn
You are using way to many skills, you should just focus on 5, qs is also one of your best skills. It isnt a waste.

Re: Tips on Current Status

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:47 pm
by Curry30423
Use ss, qs, riposte, sneaky, reflex or lifesteal

Re: Tips on Current Status

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:46 pm
by PurpleKn1ght
You are using way to many skills, you should just focus on 5, qs is also one of your best skills. It isnt a waste.
I meant that with QS not being maxed, I am wasting skill points there.
Use ss, qs, riposte, sneaky, reflex or lifesteal
Between Life Steal and Fast Reflexes, which is better? I like the extra hp when I need it but I find that I am not loosing a ton of health when leveling. Is Lifesteal effective in pvp? I like pvp but don't think I should keep one skill maxed just for it.


Re: Tips on Current Status

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 2:43 am
by Curry30423
U should use reflex then. U could also use pw but im not a big fan of it due to slow cast