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Help Needed on a Leveling Build For Tower (Lvl 181 atm)

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 9:16 pm
by Meh180
Title says all...

Current Gear:

Full Dl Set
180 Haste Dagger
180 Dagger

150 Wyld Sun Ammy
Comrak Bladeleaf Charm
Lvl 100 Dex Skyglass Bracelet
180 Str Regen Bracelet

Royal Shadowstrike Ring
+8 Life Steal Ring
2 180 Str Eldritch Valour Rings

Thats my Gear ^

My question is what should my stats and skills be for a solo lixing build for levels 181-190 at the tower. I can either rainbow or combo. ;)

Re: Help Needed on a Leveling Build For Tower (Lvl 181 atm)

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 6:42 am
by E3D
Far out nice gear, I would go 2 Dex 2 Str and 1 vit per lvl

Re: Help Needed on a Leveling Build For Tower (Lvl 181 atm)

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 2:27 pm
by Phantom_arrow
Skill set I used was, qs, ss, sneaky, lifesteal, then your choice between pw, dbl atk or reflexes.
Stat wise, get as much ho as you need then split evenly between str and Dex.

Re: Help Needed on a Leveling Build For Tower (Lvl 181 atm)

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 9:09 am
by Camrouge
Im level 199 I get 14% per supper combo I have 10 vit 1k str 1k dex gear buffs hp to 7k i use mord spear and haste dagger my skills are ss(lvl 45) qs(lvl 50) rip(lvl 48) PW(lvl 50) DBL(I think 37 it reaches up to lvl 220) and rest of points in assassinate the reason they so high is because i have 3 stat rings then I leave 1 ring slot free for skill rings then I swap to different rings before casting the skill so I can get much higher level skills and I hit about 1-1.5k autos also it's good to level with a mage that has lure assassins because your damage will almost double