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Poison damage and Rogues, a newbe at rogue question

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:35 pm
by athena_2016
I'm still learning the rogue and i have a question: Since shadowstrike is a poison based attack does getting poison damage gear increase the Shadowstrike power? Also does it help with poison dagger skill and Spider pet? The formulas that i read up on didn't say it did.

Re: Poison damage and Rogues, a newbe at rogue question

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:58 pm
by Aileron
Poison damage gear simply increases your auto-attack damage.
Cunning and Dexterity increases shadowstrike damage as well as Poison Weapon bonus.
Pounce spider skill is affected by Spider Taming ability and level of pet.

Re: Poison damage and Rogues, a newbe at rogue question

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:03 pm
by athena_2016
Thats what the formula was saying, thank you. Question why is it that poison damage gear like offhands have a much smaller damage bonus than the cold/fire elements if its in the same part of the formula. Is it because of the low poison resist and high fire/frost resists?

Re: Poison damage and Rogues, a newbe at rogue question

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:11 pm
by Corrupt
Thats what the formula was saying, thank you. Question why is it that poison damage gear like offhands have a much smaller damage bonus than the cold/fire elements if its in the same part of the formula. Is it because of the low poison resist and high fire/frost resists?