by Somber
There’s a few options...
If you’re mostly a solo player and see yourself mostly solo your career with lixing and bossing, a rabbit is a good choice for a couple reasons. You get an energy regen which helps eliminate some need for lux gear. You also get a nice heal down the road as you level it up which in turn saves you from using a lot of restos, which if you’re strapped on cash and want to save for quest drops or gear saves you money for that. Even though a rabbit isn’t a dps bonus, it has some good pros for a rogue.
A chicken is great because it adds a heal, attack and defense due to dex. I run a chicken on ,y hybrid warrior. When all is said and done with a level 6 T4 chicken you’re looking at a heal tick of over 1400 points which can also Crit each tick. 3 ticks per cast. Saves on restos, heals, adds 300 attack and 360 defense. Not too shabby.
Wolf and spider are good if you want to straight up dps and restos aren’t an issue. If you care about end game boss kills or lock battles, those are good options. If you’re more about being a team player and being a fairly decent dpser, chicken and rabbit are good choices.
So, decide what you want out of your rogue endgame and go from there.