I wouldnt pay over 200k for it, and if I would pay it would be for fun, not for actual use.
i would pay 200k, i can easily make much more reselling it.
Ok I have a serious question about this axe. This is as much for me as it is for the people selling it. Some seem to think it is worth 1mil....and with a mil I could get lux that would make this item obsolete. Other servers say it's about 225k. Which seems more reasonable due to a lux offhand being about the same. Any comments and opinions on this? I know it's rare however it's quite useless once u get to lvl 150 because at that point you can start finding way better items.
buy the axe if you can. its definitely worth it for 225k. i would recommend also to get a ymir hammer. regardless of what anyone tells you, you can use a ymir hammer to level and be very effective. while it may not be the highest dps end game, you can still do a lot of damage and fast. the hammer can easily take you to 190. you want to make use of rupture, shatter, giant swing, double attack, and frenzy (preferred). then just spam skill hits and an auto here and there. another added bonus is its worth a lot of money.