Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Warrior tank showoff

its funny how you all are raging at dilvar for 'showing off his hp' when the title of the post is warrior tank showoff, smh
Server: Fingal
Warrior: 184 DooMeD
Rogue: 92 Timeless Druid: 85 DeMooD Mage: 78 Relevance Ranger: 54 Barrage
Devices: Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 OS Android Lollipop 5.0.2 (Stock)

Re: Warrior tank showoff

47k go without heroic Lix and pie would be so hard, abundance and abundant aura would also give a boost
it wouldnt be so hard, it would be impossible with the current gear in the game

I did the math
Edit: also it would cost 13.681m
Please tell me all the gear needed, oh wise master loco
Oderint Dum Metuant.

Re: Warrior tank showoff

47k go without heroic Lix and pie would be so hard, abundance and abundant aura would also give a boost
This guy is a typical forum noob,
it is impossible without pie heroic lix and druid boosts, i have tryd it but yea your Math knows better
Epona's #1 Tank (arrogant but true)
Dilvar (lvl 222) no Alts.
Chieftain of Anarchy since years.
Life is beautiful cause you are in it (looks in mirror)

Re: Warrior tank showoff

47k go without heroic Lix and pie would be so hard, abundance and abundant aura would also give a boost
This guy is a typical forum noob,
it is impossible without pie heroic lix and druid boosts, i have tryd it but yea your Math knows better
I didn't say without druid boosts

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