Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Warrior tank showoff

Yep, timmy's max hp basically uses the best possible gear in game. There are not enough improvements to be made to possibly add 3.4k more hp (mostly depends on whether you have a void bastion helm or not)
thats what i thought probably wasnt gonna beat 50k
Trappin4Dayz- Lvl 30+ Ranger

Re: Warrior tank showoff

Why hate on Dilvar?

To join his clan requires to feed his ego is false. He doesn't really brag to me or mention about it. PM me and I will tell you the person in Epona with a big ego. I simply asked myself and got voted in. Simple as that. He is very patient and kind in the game and I can't see why he has so many haters. Jealous? My best guess.

His vit is amazing and you all have to be butt hurt and try to rip his good acomplishment to shreds to make you feel better that you are unable to acomplish what he has. All of you are the ones with the big egos and can't stand that there is someone way way way better than you. The horrid clans that bully others and make a dominant clan and hoard all the drops can't even get better gear than him. He is from a free server and plays fair and rolls. I firmly believe if anyone else was in leadership it would become a very bad server. People complain about him, but to be honest, he is saving Epona from turning into a war server like all the others. He keeps all the people who want war in the server to not do so. Good job timmy and Dilvar for being the two warriors with the best vit.

Re: Warrior tank showoff

Why hate on Dilvar?

To join his clan requires to feed his ego is false. He doesn't really brag to me or mention about it. PM me and I will tell you the person in Epona with a big ego. I simply asked myself and got voted in. Simple as that. He is very patient and kind in the game and I can't see why he has so many haters. Jealous? My best guess.

His vit is amazing and you all have to be butt hurt and try to rip his good acomplishment to shreds to make you feel better that you are unable to acomplish what he has. All of you are the ones with the big egos and can't stand that there is someone way way way better than you. The horrid clans that bully others and make a dominant clan and hoard all the drops can't even get better gear than him. He is from a free server and plays fair and rolls. I firmly believe if anyone else was in leadership it would become a very bad server. People complain about him, but to be honest, he is saving Epona from turning into a war server like all the others. He keeps all the people who want war in the server to not do so. Good job timmy and Dilvar for being the two warriors with the best vit.
How much he pay you

Re: Warrior tank showoff

Why hate on Dilvar?

To join his clan requires to feed his ego is false. He doesn't really brag to me or mention about it. PM me and I will tell you the person in Epona with a big ego. I simply asked myself and got voted in. Simple as that. He is very patient and kind in the game and I can't see why he has so many haters. Jealous? My best guess.

His vit is amazing and you all have to be butt hurt and try to rip his good acomplishment to shreds to make you feel better that you are unable to acomplish what he has. All of you are the ones with the big egos and can't stand that there is someone way way way better than you. The horrid clans that bully others and make a dominant clan and hoard all the drops can't even get better gear than him. He is from a free server and plays fair and rolls. I firmly believe if anyone else was in leadership it would become a very bad server. People complain about him, but to be honest, he is saving Epona from turning into a war server like all the others. He keeps all the people who want war in the server to not do so. Good job timmy and Dilvar for being the two warriors with the best vit.
How much he pay you
Grow up kid

Re: Warrior tank showoff

Why hate on Dilvar?

To join his clan requires to feed his ego is false. He doesn't really brag to me or mention about it. PM me and I will tell you the person in Epona with a big ego. I simply asked myself and got voted in. Simple as that. He is very patient and kind in the game and I can't see why he has so many haters. Jealous? My best guess.

His vit is amazing and you all have to be butt hurt and try to rip his good acomplishment to shreds to make you feel better that you are unable to acomplish what he has. All of you are the ones with the big egos and can't stand that there is someone way way way better than you. The horrid clans that bully others and make a dominant clan and hoard all the drops can't even get better gear than him. He is from a free server and plays fair and rolls. I firmly believe if anyone else was in leadership it would become a very bad server. People complain about him, but to be honest, he is saving Epona from turning into a war server like all the others. He keeps all the people who want war in the server to not do so. Good job timmy and Dilvar for being the two warriors with the best vit.
How much he pay you
... Good Job sherlock holmes, you knew i payed or told her to write something good about me.
Beware tho i might pay you to stfu.
Epona's #1 Tank (arrogant but true)
Dilvar (lvl 222) no Alts.
Chieftain of Anarchy since years.
Life is beautiful cause you are in it (looks in mirror)

Re: Warrior tank showoff

Why compare hp. When u can compare who gets first gele kill:/

because the person with the first gelebron kill couldnt have done it without someone with insane high hp.
just like the guy with insane high hp couldnt have done it without a druid
Server: Fingal
Warrior: 184 DooMeD
Rogue: 92 Timeless Druid: 85 DeMooD Mage: 78 Relevance Ranger: 54 Barrage
Devices: Samsung Galaxy Tab S 8.4 OS Android Lollipop 5.0.2 (Stock)

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