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Endurning Guard vs Shield Bash

Does anyone use enduring guard over shield bash? I find shield bash misses a lot probably because I am 100% vit.
I was thinking it might be easier to use a passive skill that might not be as effective but is always working instead of bash.
Spit (Mage 226)
lil druid (220)
Damaged Soul (211+)
Creeping Death (Ranger 200)

Re: Endurning Guard vs Shield Bash

Your vit stat has no effect on skill hit/miss rate only melee combat vs their evasions.

http://www.celticheroes.info/2014/05/de ... ility.html

Shield bash all the way. Overall I find the utility of increased physical evasions isnt worth the amount of points. Shield bash is crucial to gelebron, hrung, raged bosses and it over all just gives you a few seconds of a break. We have dps warriors who carry shield bash just because of how good it is.

Re: Endurning Guard vs Shield Bash

That's exactly the kind of feedback I am looking for. So shield bash lists strength for the stat and Melee Combat for the ability.

Does the stat have no impact with shield bash?
Spit (Mage 226)
lil druid (220)
Damaged Soul (211+)
Creeping Death (Ranger 200)

Re: Endurning Guard vs Shield Bash

For my personal opinion: (Yah im that guy lol)

Id have to say always stick with bash in any eg tank build you are. It is always useful for gele/prot (if you can hit it) and it is too much a struggle to alt back and forth between the two. What someone in Resurgence suggested to me (i already forgot who, ik terrible friend of me) was use enduring guard over taunt for gele raids if you happen to be a usual for offtank. It will give you better chance for evading the guards autos but not the skills so it might help but then comes the problem of alting to taunt again for mord/hrung/edl6*/heli/etc.

That might be worh trying out over taunt at gele offtank if you dont mind alternating to taunt with books after evert gele. Im currently going to try the enduring guard for offtank strat next gele for my clan to see if its worth the effort 0.0

All in all you always need shieldbash, if you want you can think of it as an extra shield wall skill if it hits the boss.
Arawn- Invicta
SlyShadows - 220 Tank Warrior (Retired, Arawn)
Animosity - 217 Ranger (Retired, Arawn)
Noctum - 215 Fire Mage
Acrimony - 190 Lock Rogue

Proud Tank of Arawn

Re: Endurning Guard vs Shield Bash

I usually off tank which is what I originally switched to this build for. I didn't consider removing taunt but that makes sense. I have my druid cast slash ward and I have enduring guard at 45 which allows the adds to rage without killing me.

As for shield bash I think I just like that you see it work. So it seems like the obvious one. It's hard to determine the actual damage reduction from enduring guard. I will probably go back to bash soon enough. I don't like to respec my alts often I have to do that enough with my mage.

Thank you for the feedback.
Spit (Mage 226)
lil druid (220)
Damaged Soul (211+)
Creeping Death (Ranger 200)

Re: Endurning Guard vs Shield Bash

For my personal opinion: (Yah im that guy lol)

Id have to say always stick with bash in any eg tank build you are. It is always useful for gele/prot (if you can hit it) and it is too much a struggle to alt back and forth between the two. What someone in Resurgence suggested to me (i already forgot who, ik terrible friend of me) was use enduring guard over taunt for gele raids if you happen to be a usual for offtank. It will give you better chance for evading the guards autos but not the skills so it might help but then comes the problem of alting to taunt again for mord/hrung/edl6*/heli/etc.

That might be worh trying out over taunt at gele offtank if you dont mind alternating to taunt with books after evert gele. Im currently going to try the enduring guard for offtank strat next gele for my clan to see if its worth the effort 0.0

All in all you always need shieldbash, if you want you can think of it as an extra shield wall skill if it hits the boss.
You got it in reverse. Enduring Guard improves physical evasion. So it increases chance to evade physical skills. It does nothing for evading autos, that's what defence/howling winds is for. So I'd still not incorporate it in my build if solely for gele ads because their raged autos are the tricky thing.

Re: Endurning Guard vs Shield Bash

Why would you remove taunt? Enduring guard is definitely not worth it imo, you get enough physical evasion from gear, and if you use a lvl 6 mount theres an extra 720. I havnt changed my build since i got into Arcane. Im currently using: shield wall and bash, def form, pro stance, taunt, warcry, and shatter.
A proud noob of the clan Avalon :)

"There is talent everywhere in the world, if given the opportunity" Barack Obama

Re: Endurning Guard vs Shield Bash

Imagine ur tanking prot or gele, both bosses with no DoT skills (I think Gele doesnt have one), using Bash, except for the interrupting benefit, gives u 5 secs without them hitting u once it lands, which is a lot more than it seems. Even if 5 secs seem short, its a lot.
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