Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Stats/Damage/Hit Points

Before u think about to put stats you need to think of what kind of role u want to play. If playing tank you need high strgth and high hp. Need stgth to keep agro and hp to survive. So your secondary stats are dex and mana.

Only dif is this game is all classes take mana to use skills. So u will need that to taunt to keep agro

Re: Stats/Damage/Hit Points

Fisrt are you wanting to be a dps or a tank? If you want to be dps you need more poins into str then vit. For instance str: 400 dex: 50 focus: 30 vit: 200. Just an example. 50 dex is plenty for dps or tank. If you wanna be a tank it should look like this str: 130 dex:50 focus: 30 vit: 350. :mrgreen:
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