It glows a lot that I think the 5% is a lie, with 17k attack mine glows much more than other classes, giving me kills on bosses with no slash lure, not my probelm dps game is weak in your server, but in mine I go against the best bunch in whole gameOk, "glow" isn't a term that is used on my server, that's a new one for me.
I'm still not sure how 5% is "a lot". That's 5 procs out of 100 swings.
I'll stick with my void axe, I get 95% of kills on all bosses (Mord/Necro/Gele/215/210/Event) other than Proteus, which is 100% ranger kill. I used to get kills on that when I was one of the only with void Gele weap and/or DG, however rangers have gotten the kills every day for 6+ months. I used to stay in rotor blades because I'd try to bash it, which helps all dps, however I run out now (count to 15, run out, run in, repeat), and we just plow thru prot as he is pretty easy now a days.
If you want to use a sword and rely on a 5% proc, by all means go for it.
p.s. Been speaking with a warrior on the top clan in Herne, he says they refuse to give warriors DG because they believe they are terrible dps and should be tank only. Yea, I sent him about 10 screenshots of a warrior getting the kill from last week alone; told him to show it to the warrior haters on that server.
Re: Sword warrior?
#21Agent K - 224 Warrior Fingal
The Expendables
Bad things, there's a lot of bad things that they wishin' they wishin' they wishin' they wishin' on
The Expendables
Bad things, there's a lot of bad things that they wishin' they wishin' they wishin' they wishin' on