Im definitely not into trashing Fingal. I simply put a mirror to Agent K's comments on calling us weak.+1 Criminal
But Agent k does not represent Fingal as a collective, his opinions are his own. We do however compete intensely with one another, not other servers, and that competition has made for a lot of good endgame toons across the board.
Sword warriors can be good tanks as well. Not using edl sword of course but a Necro sword with shield proc. A couple of our tanks use this set up with enhanced chaos resistance in their symmetry rings,edl shields and druid offhand skill and they make everyone's job a lot easier.As for what Foool asked, I'm a decent ranger and I play my role. I don't think I'm the best in the game but I do quite well:+900 damage to that when I cast wrath and reapers touch and a little more when I'm on my battle mount. Every server has exceptional individuals who are good at the classes they've chosen, and we shouldn't discredit them for not being as vocal about it as others.
Yes, ur heavily geared (although surprisingly lower dmg, again, we support dmg stacking) and Id understand u being OP, yet, Id not believe saying he can win without slash lure over rangers. Im guessing the attack is elixed tho as I tried to calculate and couldnt see a build where u have 18k attack with even heavy top gear (even 2 godly braces), so it doesnt fully count.
Im a dps warrior, I got many kills, from hrung to gelebron (prot prime was actually last one I got kill on for first time), Im also heavily geared (albeit, mighty havoc brace, dark sun helm, 2 dg pieces), but I also carry some top gear like godly havoc and my rings are : godly fate, 2 imperial fate and royal divine.
But Im not a fool I know how big of a disadvantage Im at for not having edl offhand, especially next to our top ranger Sere who has equal lvl gear to mine more or less. Also my pet is lowest tier :SSS