On another note…
I believe vitality increases HP by exactly 6.25 per point.Vitality increases HP by roughly 6.24 per point in Vitality
+1 vit = +6.25 hp (total health is rounded on stats page)
+4 vit = +25 hp
+16 vit = +100 hp
Also, for this list of items:
I think restoration potions should be added to this list. For emergencies of course. Because of this statement, the motto of a hardcore tank:USEFUL CONSUMABLE ITEMS FOR TANKS
Until you start earning gear from the boss itself, if you don’t have an excess of druids, you will find that you need at least one of the following items when you first tank tough bosses:
Gaston’s Pies (Increase max HP by 800, 1200 and 1600 depending on type for 10 minutes)
Winter Horn (Skill boosts HP by 15% for 5 minutes, Stacks with other HP boosting effects - Note: its not really a consumable)
Max HP elixir (Boosts HP by 20% + 200 for 15 minutes)
HP regeneration elixirs (Boost HP regen by 2-3% of your total HP – you can reach over 25000 HP with the best gear in game and buffs which means you can regenerate up to 750 HP per tick!)
Energy Regeneration Elixirs (same as above for energy - useful if your gear has no energy regeneration)
Super Combination Elixir (My favorite – Most useful Elixir - we all know what this does)
And, maybe you should point out that the winter horn skill isn't a self-buff (your own character resists it if you equip the horn and try to apply it on yourself). You need another character to equip it, wait the x minutes it takes to cool down, and cast it on you (the tank). Good to do if you're early to a boss and waiting for reinforcements to arrive.1) NEVER DYING – do whatever you have to do to stay alive even if it means spamming potions or using Super Combo Elixirs beforehand. If you die, you have failed.
But I'm just nitpicking; overall, this is a superb guide. I love the pictures/diagrams, especially the first one.
I really hope I'm right about that health/vit thing, because if so I'll have some pretty huge bragging rights.