Again, damage stacking means nothing if it's all resisted, I can go up to 8k with 2h hammer and say: oh damage stacking is so good, 2h hammer defiantly beats edl sword!
That sword you call crap I still beat em with it...
Also it doesn't matter how good ones gear is that much, you might have the best car but it doesn't mean you could drive it properly.
Sounds to me like u just got trashed by lex.
Ur bragging over a mordy kill? I had so many... Including necro kills, hrung kills, prot kills (bases and prime), and gele kill. U wanna teach me how to drive? Using ur bad analogies and trying to compare dmg stacking as using 2h hammer to using gele axe is outright dumb. Stop agent, u keep making urself look worse.
I don't understand how u think edl bow is any better then sword tbh. 5 dmg less and if u have lures for both then they are almost identical.
1. Being able to stay out of range
2. Considering warrior uses skills, especially much slower ones, and HAS to swap for axe/hammer for rupture, the speed is easily equalized.
3. The thing about agent K, is that he said he can beat the bow users without slash lure, with pierce lure. Even if equal, then its simply impossible unless they do no dps at all.