by Pestillence
Ever since I was a noob in Catacombs I was always a Shield and Sword type of guy. I never liked the two handed weapons because they were slow but surely did more damage.
Tbh It's really what build you want to specialize in.. Tank, DPS, or Hybrid (Between Both)
Tank- High Armour, High Health, Skills maxed are generally some damage dealers and the taunts plus personal Buff. Most tanks use a Sword and Shield. (Con's Low damage Makes leveling a tad slower) (Pro's Needed in boss fights and have High Health that can Take Any Hit)
Hybrid- High Armour, Moderate Health, Moderate Damage, Skills maxed All damage Dealers and Taunt, also Personal Buffs are used. Hybrids either use 2 Handed weapons for leveling and DPS on boss, Or sword and Shield for tanking a Mob or Boss.
(Con's Low health makes Tanking Half Useless) (Pro's Get the best of both worlds)
DPS- High Armour, High Damage, Skills maxed are All Damage dealers and personal Buff, as well as Frenzy. Mostly use two handed weapons. (Con's Low health, when VS boss with AOE attack Be careful) (Pro's Lots of Damage makes Leveling good and fun.)
Proud Clansman of Avalon
“Knowledge talks, wisdom listens.”
“Don’t let your victories go to your head, or your failures go to your heart.”
If you need any advice, tips or have any questions don't hesitate to PM me