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My stats

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:55 am
by DeAthstrike
Hey fellow warriors, I am DeathStrike on world taranis, I am pure dps, I only got 2k health but my stats are 250 vit and rest on str. I have the highest melee hit for warriors on taranis Lol. But if your tank which i was from level 115-133. But ever since 133 I changed to dps. Level 140 btw. Pros and cons about dps.
More damage
Better equiped
People need dps in bosses
More expensive
People dont group as much as tanks

But over all go dps!!

Re: My stats

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 6:54 pm
by Sir Blaze333
Continued pro list:

Continued con list:
-soloing is now difficult
-warrior dps sucks compared to rogue/mage/ranger

Just so you know, highest hit means nothing if you miss a lot. 1405 attack wont do it for dps; you gotta have attack gear and or dexterity. Damage is great but the key is your attack stat.