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What class shall i be

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:16 pm
by FearlessMan
warior or rogue also write reason why i shall be that class

Re: What class shall i be

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 7:22 pm
by PurpleKn1ght
Warrior. Easier to start on a new world and items, armour, weps, etc are easier to find and buy since warriors are one of the biggest classes. After you breach 100 i would say or amass enough extra money you can start a rogue alt :)

Re: What class shall i be

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:24 am
by Allyme
honestly as a luxless rogue your better off warriors in the longrun will need lots and lolts of hp regen and a bit of energy aswell. rogue its kinda the same but u hiy much faster can do great dmg to start off a fight and a good ending hit( with a good sneak and assasin).also at higher lvls you wont need your skills as mch so you can do auto hits.
so u pick rogue-fast hits massive dmg at once in 2 sertant point of fights or
warrior the bulky less dmg more hp guy(unless you have lux in which you can turn the tables on the rogue for dps)

Re: What class shall i be

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:50 pm
by EVxProdx
Luxless rogue = not good for soloing
Luxless warrior = can also be dps and you can ditch dex and get high HP, and do lots of dmg